A downloadable game

Try to complete as many tasks around the neighbourhood as you can, but you only have one minute! Be quick on your toes to beat as many of the 9 tasks as possible and you might just find a secret!  ðŸ¤«


Minute Missions (NoCode Jam 2).gbsproj 602 kB
Minute Missions (NoCode Jam 2).gbsproj.bak 551 kB

Install instructions

Problems are occurring! itch.io doesn't let you upload folders so the downloads is getting messy and a lot of the uploading files isn't working. I do not have time to fix this now but I will try again soon!

EDIT: The attempt to upload all the files isn't worth it and public playing won't be available in the foreseeable future. I am sorry.


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Just pack the folder into a zip.

Also, you can just export ROM to play.


yeah.. I did that.

Minute Missions (NoCode Jam #2)


The download didn't work for me. It throws this error and never runs unfortunately.

" Preparing images...

TypeError: Cannot read property 'tilesets' of null"

I'm on a Mac so not sure if that's why, will try again later hopefully you get it worked out.  

Ah, I think I may know why. I'm on Mac too so that's not the problem, the problem is that you're missing the sprites, music, and .bak file to store the data. I will include these as a download and update the install instructions.

Sorry, It's becoming difficult to do it. see the install instructions on the download page for more info.